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Call for Proposals: funding for research on low-income countries
时间:2012-07-09    浏览量:1464
IZA and DFID are now accepting applications for funding in Phase II of the Growth and Labor Markets in Low Income Countries (GLM | LIC) program.
After a highly competitive round of funding in Phase I, IZA and DFID look forward to receiving many high-quality research proposals again in this second round. GLM | LIC Phase II invites applications for research projects in the following areas:
1. Growth and labour market outcomes
2. Active labour market policies
3. Labour market institutions
4. Migration and labor markets
5. Gender
The deadline for applications is November 28, 2012. Please visit glm-lic.iza.org for more information about the program and the call for proposals. A list of projects funded under GLM | LIC Phase I will be published on the program website in August 2012.
Researchers based in low-income countries may also be interested in applying for a special IZA/DFID/IDRC workshop in New Delhi, November 4-6, 2012, organized in conjunction with the World Bank/IZA Conference on Employment and Development. The application deadline for this workshop is July 30: detailed information is attached to this email (or click here).

David Lam
GLM | LIC Program Director

Janneke Pieters
GLM | LIC Deputy Program Director
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