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The Fourth Quarterly Review of China Employment Was Held Successfully in RUC

On January 10,2013,CIER successfully held 2012 Fourth Quarterly Review of China Employment at Room 347
of Qiushi Building,RUC.Deputy Director of Department of Employment and Income Distribution, National Development 
and Reform Commission Hu Deqiao, Deputy Director of Department of Employment Promotion of MHRSS Zhang 
Ying,Deputy Director of Department of Population and Employment Statistics Zhang Zhibin,VP of Zhilian Zhao Pin
Liu Zhiqiang Product Operation Executive Director Hao Jian attended the meeting at invitation. Professor Zeng 
Xiangquan, Director of SLHR and CIER,Researcher Ding Dajian, and other research staff Geng Lin, Ge Yuhao, 
Zhao Liqiu,Zhang Wei,Cui Yuxue,Hao Yuming,Yang Yumei also participated in the meeting. The meeting was 
chaired by Professor Tang Kuang, Deputy Secretary of Party of SLHR, RUC and Deputy Director of CIER.

                                                          Professor Zeng Xiangquan

Researcher Ding Dajian, head of Data Center of SLHR, made a report entitled “The Analysis of 2012 Fourth-quarter 
Chinese Labor Market ConditionsBased on the Data from and Suzhou Industrial Zone”. He gave a brief 
overview of employment situation in the third quarter of 2012, described the online recruitment data and analysed 
the overall employment situation and the CIER index changes of the fourth quarter of 2012, outlined the structural 
changes in market supply, and gave an in-depth analysis about the employment and other situation in different 
industries, occupations, regions (cities) and a typical region (Suzhou Industrial Park). The report is written by 
researcher Ding Dajian. The main conclusions in the report are: (1) In the fourth quarter, the CIER Index continued
to fall and it decreased significantly with reaching to the lowest point 0.69.(2)As for the total amount,college graduates rose in relative ratio,and turnover staffs and on-the-job staffs decreased in the fourth quarter.(3)The pressure of all industries in employment competition dropped compared to the last quarter.But compared to the same period last year,
the pressure of 31 industries rose.(4) In addition to the CIER index of extremely individual occupations rose, other’s 
CIER chain index all showed a decline. Compared with the same period of last year, the pressure of the most 
occupations in the employment competition rose.(5)The pressure of employment competition of the first-tier cities 
and the second cities significantly declined compared with the previous quarter. The  pressure of the first-tier 
cities rose compared with the same period of the last year,while the pressure of the second cities declined.(6)The 
pressure of employment competition of the eastern, central and western regions showed decreased in the relative 
ratio.When compared with the same period of last year, the pressure in the east was higher while in the central and 
west it was lower.(7)The recruitment needs of small and medium enterprises substantial increased but job 
hunters decreased sharply.(8)The competition index of all types of enterprises was lower than the previous quarter,
and the largest decrease was in state-owned enterprises.(9)In this quarter, CIER index of Suzhou Industrial Zone 
was similar to the national trend.But the index level was still high and it far exceeded than the national average level.

                                                                 Professor Ding Dajian

Subsequently, Dr. Ge Yuhao made a report of “The Analysis of 2012 Fourth-quarter Chinese Employment Situation 
and Policies”. The report indicated that: (1)China’s macro-economic situation of the fourth quarter showed a 
tendency of rising back,and each index showed good preformance.(2) Employment policies focused on market 
policy, payed attention to labor supply and market matching.(3)In this quarter, unemployed graduates are the 
focal point of employment, employment policy also pay attention to other special groups.(4)Occupation skill
training has an important influence on supply side in the labor market, so, there is great practical significance 
on the legislation improvement of occupation education and training.


                                                            Associate Professor Ge Yuhao

Associate researcher Geng Lin made a report entitled "Association analysis between CIER index and macroeconomic 
performance targets"with the updated research results since July, 2008 till December, 2012. Conclusions are drawn 
by trend analysis and correlation analysis on CIER monthly index, number of job hunters and recruiting numbers; 
dynamic relevance between CIER monthly index and relevant macroeconomic indicators; predictive analysis on CIER
monthly index. The correlation analysis between CIER monthly index and PMI and the pridiction analysis showed 
that:(1) There was a significant correlation between CIER index and macroeconomic prosperous index.(2)There 
was a relatively significant negative correlation between CIER monthly index and the manufacturing purchasing 
managers’ index (PMI).(3)We can consider to use the feature of the CIER index to make a warning index for the 
labor market.(4)If we don’t consider seasonal factors, the CIER monthly index declined in the fourth quarter of 2012,
while it will enter a stable state in the first quarter of 2013. But if we consider seasonal factors,the index in January,
2013 will be slightly lower compared with December,2012. The index in February will rise sharply than the last 
month but nest month it will be basically the same compared with the previous year.

                                                                Researcher Geng Lin

After that, the Deputy Director Hu Deqiao,Zhang Ying, Zhang Zhibin, VP Liu Zhiqiang, chief inspector Hao Jian and 
Professor Cheng Yanyuan spoke highly of seminar for the efforts of our researchers and exchanged their own 
viewpoints with the experts.


                                                               Deputy Director Hu Deqiao


                                                             Deputy Director Zhang Ying


                                                               Division Chief Zhang Zhibin

At the end, Dean Zeng made a summary that the meeting maintained pragmatic and laid foundation to further 
study.He said the employment situation in this year is generally stable through a review of all a year round.He gave 
thanks to the support and efforts of the government, enterprises and the academia to the quarterly employment 
analysis conference. He hoped that all sides would continue work together to implemen,t the goal of promoting 
quality employ,,ment in&a,mp;a,mp;a,mp;n,bsp;"the eighteen" report.

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