The Sixteenth Biweekly Academic Forum of Labor Economics co-organized by CIER and the School of Labor and Human Resources of RUC will be held at 4: 00 to 5: 30 on the afternoon of Mar.17 (Wednesday). We hereby notify the related matters as follows: 1. Topic: Rates of Return to University Education: the Regression Discontinuity Design 2. Speaker: Professor Xin Meng Xin Meng received her Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National University. She is currently a professor at The Australian National University. Her research to date including: the Chinese labour market during transition, economic implications of major catastrophes, such as the impact of the Chinese famine and Cultural Revolution on life time earnings and welfare of individuals and families. Xin Meng has published papers in the Journal of Labour Economics, Labour Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Development and Cultural Change, Review of Income and Wealth, Journal of Comparative Economics and Journal of Population Economics. 3. Working Language: Chinese 4. Venue: Room 347 of Qiushi Building of RUC 5. Participants: members of CIER, teachers and students of the School of Labor and Human Resources, and other teachers and students are both welcome.
CIER 2010.3.16