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时间:2014-02-19    浏览量:1070

  Dora Costa. 2013. Health and the economy in the United States, form 1750 to the present. Working Paper 19685. National Bureau of Economic Research


       Abstract: This review discusses theories of the health transition and examines how the health transition occurred in the United States, including changes in the distribution of health by socioeconomic status. I bring new data to bear on an extensive array of health indicators -- mortality, height, BMI, birth weight, and chronic conditions. I investigate the role in the health transition played by rising incomes and by scientific advances and their application and I will argue that the preponderance of the evidence shows that scientific advances have played an outsize role in the United States. I will examine how these scientific advances, which during the health transition took the form of expensive sanitation projects, were implemented. Fear of infection provided the political support for the financing of these projects, even when the poor were the primary beneficiaries. Because more recent scientific advances have taken the form of therapies targeted to chronic disease and because the importance of behavioral factors has grown, political support for expenditures aimed at the poor is likely to be lower. I will argue that while improvements in health raise productivity, these improvements are not necessarily a precondition for modern economic growth. The nature of the economy in which these improvements occur also matters. The gains to early life health are largest when the economy has moved from “brawn” to “brains” because this is when the wage returns to education are high, leading the healthy to obtain more education. Although the causal effect of education on health is still unclear, those who obtain more education may be better able to take advantage of new medical knowledge and therapies as they age. Analyses and theories of health therefore need to treat health as a dynamic variable. The review also suggests that future health can continue to improve provided that innovation continues. How to finance this innovation remains an issue, but in a rich society the value of even marginal improvements in health is higher than the value of the dramatic mortality declines of the health transition.




Conclusion: This review discusses theories of the health transition and examines how the health transition occurred in the United States, including changes in the distribution of health by socioeconomic status. I bring new data to bear on an extensive array of health indicators -- mortality, height, BMI, birth weight, and chronic conditions. I investigate the role in the health transition played by rising incomes and by scientific advances and their application and I will argue that the preponderance of the evidence shows that scientific advances have played an outsize role in the United States. I will examine how these scientific advances, which during the health transition took the form of expensive sanitation projects, were implemented. Fear of infection provided the political support for the financing of these projects, even when the poor were the primary beneficiaries. Because more recent scientific advances have taken the form of therapies targeted to chronic disease and because the importance of behavioral factors has grown, political support for expenditures aimed at the poor is likely to be lower. I will argue that while improvements in health raise productivity, these improvements are not necessarily a precondition for modern economic growth. The nature of the economy in which these improvements occur also matters. The gains to early life health are largest when the economy has moved from “brawn” to “brains” because this is when the wage returns to education are high, leading the healthy to obtain more education. Although the causal effect of education on health is still unclear, those who obtain more education may be better able to take advantage of new medical knowledge and therapies as they age. Analyses and theories of health therefore need to treat health as a dynamic variable. The review also suggests that future health can continue to improve provided that innovation continues. How to finance this innovation remains an issue, but in a rich society the value of even marginal improvements in health is higher than the value of the dramatic mortality declines of the health transition.




长期的健康趋势对微观和宏观的健康模型都有影响。数据表明人群在变老的过程中有了自己及其父母相同的体验,且当这不能被传统理论解释时,健康的静态模型就被包含在健康的动态模型中,如Heckman (2007) ContiHeckman (2010)的模型,该模型是受到医疗研究者承认的。根据长期的趋势,没有证据表明健康水平的提升会导致马尔萨斯陷阱。因为人们会通过增加人力资本来让健康资本转化成生产水平的提高,健康的提升在智力经济中对经济的增长是很有效的。


                                       (By 王米娜)

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