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时间:2014-02-19    浏览量:1289

Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Loukas Karabarbounis. 2013. The cyclicality of the opportunity cost of employment. Working Paper 19678. National Bureau of Economic Research


Abstract: The flow opportunity cost of moving from unemployment to employment consists of foregone public benefits and foregone utility from non-working time relative to consumption. Using detailed microdata, administrative data, and the structure of the search and matching model with concave and non-separable preferences, we document that the opportunity cost of employment is as procyclical as, and more volatile than, the marginal product of employment. The empirically-observed cyclicality of the opportunity cost implies that unemployment volatility in search and matching models of the labor market is far smaller than that observed in the data. This result holds irrespective of the level of the opportunity cost or whether wages are set by Nash bargaining or by an alternating-offer bargaining process. We conclude that appealing to aspects of labor supply does not help search and matching models explain aggregate employment fluctuations.


数据来源We construct a dataset of U.S. time series at quarterly frequency between 1961(1) and 2012(4). We use the HP-_lter to detrend variables.


Conclusion: This paper has shown that the flow value of the opportunity cost of employment falls during recessions. The key mechanism is that the household values most the contribution of the employed (through higher wage income) relative to that of the unemployed (through higher non-working time) when market consumption is low and non-working time is high. This more than offsets the effect of the increase in government benefits. Our preferred estimate of the elasticity of the opportunity cost with respect to the marginal product of employment is unity. With this value, fluctuations in unemployment generated by the model are essentially neutral with respect to the level of z, and remain far smaller than unemployment fluctuations in the data.

An interpretation of our results is that endogenous forms of wage rigidity, such as accomplished by Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008) and by Hall and Milgrom (2008), do not survive the introduction of a cyclical flow opportunity cost. Without rigid wages, these models cannot generate volatile unemployment. This pessimistic conclusion does not apply to models where wages are exogenously sticky or selected according to some process that does not depend on worker's opportunity cost of employment. The extent to which actual wages vary cyclically remains an open and important question.

Our quantitative results also apply only to the extensive margin of labor supply. The same economic reasoning that makes the extensive margin choice sensitive to the marginal utility of consumption relative to the value of non-working time would also affect the intensive margin choice. However, we have not modeled the complicated set of benefit phase-out schedules that give rise to high implicit marginal tax rates at the low end of the income distribution (Mulligan, 2012), and so cannot say quantitatively whether cyclical variation in benefits phase-outs overwhelms the effect of the higher marginal utility of consumption relative to the value of non-working time during recessions.


一种对我们的成果的解释是:内生的工资刚性不能一直存在于周期性机会成本中,譬如HagedornManovskii (2008) HallMilgrom (2008)的理论。不考虑刚性工资,这个模型不能衍生出剧烈的失业。这个消极的结论不能支持模型——工资是具有外生粘性或跟据一些不依赖工人就业的机会成本的流程被选择的。工资周期性变化的范围仍然是个开放且重要的问题。


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