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时间:2013-12-29    浏览量:1814

Fuhai Hong, Tanjim Hossain, John A. List, Migiwa Tanaka. 2013. Testing the theory of multitasking: Evidence from a natural field experiment in Chinese factories. Working  Paper 19660. National Bureau of Economic Research


      Abstract:  A well-recognized problem in the multitasking literature is that workers might substantially reduce their effort on tasks that produce unobservable outputs as they seek the salient rewards to observable outputs. Since the theory related to multitasking is decades ahead of the empirical evidence, the economic costs of standard incentive schemes under multitasking contexts remain largely unknown. This study provides empirical insights quantifying such effects using a field experiment in Chinese factories. Using more than 2200 data points across 126 workers, we find sharp evidence that workers do trade off the incented output (quantity) at the expense of the non-incented one (quality) as a result of a piece rate bonus scheme. Consistent with our theoretical model, treatment effects are much stronger for workers whose base salary structure is a flat wage compared to those under a piece rate base salary. While the incentives result in a large increase in quantity and a sharp decrease in quality for workers under a flat base salary, they result only in a small increase in quantity without affecting quality for workers under a piece rate base salary.
数据来源:More than 2200 data points across 126 workers
      Conclusion:  Principal-agent models have become the workhorse framework for modeling asymmetric information settings. In the field, when the agent cannot be certain that a dimension of output is closely monitored, the classic multitasking theory applies. This study provides empirical insights into the multitasking problem By making use of a unique naturally-occurring setting: incentive contracts for workers in China on the floor of various factories. Through our interactions with managers at the plants, we were able to implement a natural field experiment in several plants to explore basic questions within the classic principal-agent setting.
      Our main results paint an intriguing picture. First, the first order predictions of the theory are found in our data: as we incent workers on the margin, they move their effort to the incented activity to the detriment of the non-incented one. But, there is an important caveat to this result: we only find this result amongst workers who were previously working under a fixed wage scheme. For those workers previously under a piece rate scheme, their output moves By a small magnitude when we introduce a performance incentive. Our results suggest that, in structural estimation of principal agent models, simplification of the model into a single task dimension when the task is better described By multiple dimensions may yield biased estimates of structural parameters.
      Second, we report an interesting Hawthorne-type effect. We find that a simple reminder letter to workers leads to a robust and economically significant increase in worker productivity. In this way, the data are consonant with a Hawthorne effect in Chinese manufacturing plants. Notably, while the actual Hawthorne data from the original experiments do not stand up to closer scrutiny, data from the Chinese factories do. Finally, an overarching lesson learned from this exercise is that one can gain enough control in a field environment to test important theories of multitasking incentive schemes.
(By 潘一坤)
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